Team B Creative Suite 110 #244 9864 E. Grand River Brighton, MI 48116
Thanks for visiting my site, and if you still have questions about what improv can do for you…here’s a little list.
Raise level of creativity
Enhance communication skills
Increase teamwork
Reduce stress
Help initiate change
Increase confidence
Be your authentic self
Strengthen your sense of play
Reduce fear of public speaking
Increase your flexibility
Enhance spontaneity
Heighten perception and intuitiveness
Enhance productivy
Heighten flexibility
Improve interactive skills
Be true to yourself
Expanding range of emotions
Lead confidently
Work collaboratively
Increase compassion
Add courage
Respect others
Develop your potential
Heighten energy levels
Heighten listening and focus skills
Use synergy of moment
Develop teamwork
Heighten trust
Insinuate action
Raise energy level
Develop problem solving skills
Heighten imagination
Take risks easier
Change perspective
Speak from your heart
Hone instincts
Learn to deal with unexpected
Instill confidence
Need we say more on the value of improv both personally and professionally? Okay, one more thing – change your life. And if you have any questions just give me a call and we can chat!